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Good morning(早上或者是下午,根据情况来),MR.xxx . First of all I really appreciate that you could give me this great opportunity. My name is xxx you could also call me xxx. I'm graduated from xxx(学校)and I major in xxx(专业). 然后就是简要的提一下自己在学校的项目经历和所学专业课程方面介绍,时间最好不要超过一分钟,尽量少磕磕绊绊。
2.说说你的优缺点吧,(我的回答是优点是喜欢提前去完成工作,尽量不会碰到deadline,缺点是容易over confident,让你说缺点可别真傻傻的说自己的问题,找一些容易找补并且在一定程度上还是有利于你的东西最好)
3.你的上一份工作是做什么的,你在工作的时候都负责哪些事情?(这个就稍作修饰的讲一下下就行,比如说你是文职人员,天天跟文件打交道,你就可以这么说:currently I'm in charge for those paperworks and I'm especially good in making a sitrep(situation report)(简报)然后就委婉的说一下为什么想要换工作(最好是先说自己还挺喜欢之前工作的,但是由于xxx问题,我还是决定要换工作)
4.在职场中会有不可避免的争议和争吵,遇到这种情况你会怎么解决?(这个就是在看你处理事情的能力了,这时候千万别提什么我去找boss解决什么的,大雷点。最好的回答就是:even though there's some controversy,I'm not gonna tell that to the boss everytime,first of all I'll try to fix it by myself,I'm good at communicate with my colleagues. Than I'm gonna find out when and where that problem begins. After that everything will be clear and easy to solve.)
6.遇到没听懂的,你就大大方方老老实实说,别藏着掖着不懂装懂,面试官最烦这种情况,但是你不能直接pardon me?就完事了,这么说:Sorry i did nt understand what did you just told me. and could you please re phrase your words or maybe give me some examples to help me to understand it better.
7.遇到需要时间考虑的,别直接冷场给人家晾在那,来一句:Could you please give me about half a minute to consider about what answer that I'm gonna choose. I will do it real quick.